Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Critical Thinking Blog #3

The two research topic that I am most interested in are, idea # 2 and # 3. On the third topic what catches my most attention is the attraction theory. It makes me want to go in more detail and learn of the different aspects in which ways could humans leave an image or feelings or attraction in our lives.  How is beauty and personality playing the effect we leave on people? In the second idea what I would think about doing more research on is the vision of car driven future and promise of artificial intelligence. It’s hard for me to choose which one of these two I am most interested in. It amazes me how we had once society that easily has access to cars and now we look at the effects it has left on this society. Then there is the dream to have an active involvement of robots in our lives. Would robots only bring a beautiful and happy life? Isn’t every advancement comes with its effects. The world fair tells us that to the society 100 years ago, cars brought convenience, which now we think about robots. The car culture has left many negative effects, would the core involvement of robots do the same?

After thinking about it for a quite a while I still have no idea what I would like to do the most. The attraction theory keeps me curious and makes me want to do more research on it. While I have quite a lot of thoughts on robots, technology and what technological dreams our society holds. In the end I am still lost, but hoping that with more look and research in these topics, I will be able to decide.

Critical Thinking Blog #2

The clip I have chose to write about science is from, “Prison Break”.  Even though it might seem like there was no science involved, but when I looked at the science where the escape was planned, you can see science all over. The way a person has created a system that connects the inside to the outside of the world, at the very same time that certain science had some faults in it. What really amazes me that in certain scenes, that show how much through learning science of different structures and things have advanced, leaving a person in awe. At the very same time you notice that there are weaknesses or loose ends in these things. They have taken over many of the old ways of living, which has tremendous change in our daily lives. But, this same advancement of science and technology has taken over millions of jobs, which were done by humans before. It really makes you question how much science has helped or how much effect it is constantly leaving on us. As Rothstein talks about in his quotes that, through technology it’s bringing so much, we are shown that attractive side of science that only seems to bring the best in our lives. As we start seeing that science or technology, incorporated in our lives, we realize it has caused a lot of damage. We have only learned that it all has its limits. It’s shown that when these limits are crossed, science and technology could harm us in many ways. When we have over done on the use of it all in our lives, we have lost nothing but our own jobs.

Critical Thinking Blog #1

Hi my name is Hamda Nadeem. My major is social Liberal arts, science and humanities. When I think about it, I might say I am a little of both science and humanities person. I always wanted to be a teacher but as I entered college and took a class where I observed students, I didn’t know if I really wanted teach. While exploring my options I have taken many science classes, which have brought different ideas into my mind and in my daily lives. I feel like technology and science have played a great role in progress that we have achieved in today’s society. We are able to now incorporate modern technology, which we call robots in many different professions and also in the production of products. It has indeed helped in many ways, yet at the very same time it has its consequences. Having these thought on technology and science, I also feel quite comfortable in taking subjects and doing things like, observing and helping, which brings me back to the humanities aspect. It’s hard for me to decide what I really support; science has its positive side while humanities keep the balance in a way.