Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Critical Thinking Blog #1

Hi my name is Hamda Nadeem. My major is social Liberal arts, science and humanities. When I think about it, I might say I am a little of both science and humanities person. I always wanted to be a teacher but as I entered college and took a class where I observed students, I didn’t know if I really wanted teach. While exploring my options I have taken many science classes, which have brought different ideas into my mind and in my daily lives. I feel like technology and science have played a great role in progress that we have achieved in today’s society. We are able to now incorporate modern technology, which we call robots in many different professions and also in the production of products. It has indeed helped in many ways, yet at the very same time it has its consequences. Having these thought on technology and science, I also feel quite comfortable in taking subjects and doing things like, observing and helping, which brings me back to the humanities aspect. It’s hard for me to decide what I really support; science has its positive side while humanities keep the balance in a way.

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