Monday, May 7, 2012

Critical Thinking Blog Post # 4

      The clip I chose to write about robots is, Bionics: Robotics for Medicine. The reason I chose to write about this is the fact that, we might feel a sense of threat from robots but this video helps us to highlight some of the positive or help that we can get through robots. To many people robots indeed bring forward a sense of discomfort. Robots have become so close to taking over the things that humans have mostly done so far. People might find it threatening to different jobs, yet at the very same time it shows how much humans have advanced. Having a robot that looks just like human is scary for many people still. Some of us look at the positive side and think that robots are helping in many different ways.
     On the other hand there are some who think to a point that there will be a time when robots will take over. I believe that it’s quite possible. When I look at the 1930s and the world fair, we set forward certain dreams and goals. We didn’t look much at the consequences it held. And now one of the hottest debates is on global warming and how much cars and our waste is contributing to it. Dreaming yet not realizing the consequences that certain dream holds. Robots will bring great benefits and convenience in our life styles or in the times of need, but watching these video clips like matrix and terminator we can see the consequences it comes with. They will bring fast growth and great help, but we still don’t know what we are getting ourselves into. Many people will bring forward criticism on the use of robots, but in the end we can only predict. Leaving it on time, how much of a use robots are and what their future really is.

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